Saturday, October 25, 2008

Screw This...

My closet is no longer mine... My stomach is no longer mine... My time is no longer mine to spend... My life belongs to him... he controls me like a dog. He thinks he can do whatever he wants... Just because... I call him Dad...

Screw him....

I can't enjoy the food I love anymore... even my granny's cooking... He tells me what to eat...

I can't use my free time to rest... He always tells me to go exercise when I come back before 5 from college... I'm too tired to even move and he wants me to work out... Says it's healthy... I walk back in the bloody hot sun for 30 minutes and that's not even enough. That's why I always go home late from college....

He doesn't approve the things I do... He doesn't say anything... just gives his angry grump and looks at me weirdly... some dad he is...

Best of all... He takes over my room... His stuff are all piled up at one corner... 5 minutes ago he just rummaged through my closet, clearing my clothes to make room for his own stuff... He even threw away my old Librarian Uniform... The word privacy doesn't mean anything to that old man.

This old man is giving me a headache and he's saying I hate him...

What do you expect... I don't own my own life at all when he's around...

Damn you old man...



PS: Sorry for the rant... He's really pissing me off