Monday, October 27, 2008

What's camwhoring to you?

Hey Zy, I'm really doing this post XD

Hey you people out there... How much do you camwhore?
Putting your face in front of your camera, holding it before a mirror or holding it facing that smirking face of yours, posing away... Admit it... You do it right? You love it right?

Camwhorers I know:

Pupu & Pipi *sorry ah... I curi the pic from Ji Mi*

Einsteinium *What a nerd... he found that book in a pile of trash*
*at least he's recycling*

Wynn *she's still mild*

Dila *This one extreme already*

Feli & Nana *no comments about their pic collection* ^.^


Zy *can't post her picture* Effects may be fatal to User

Lol... It's a curse we all suffer from...

*my friends must be rolling their eyes by now*

*opens file to look for pictures*

Camwhoring History... From long ago to now:

The early years: (2003-2007)

-.- We look weird

Ah... those were the days... Long story

Trying to find myself =p

Ok... these are really really mild shots

Still mild..

Did i say I hate my hair last time?

Ok... maybe not all that much


The Me... Now... (2008)

A lil bit of Grease

Result of keeping my hair long *what? my hair can get it's special treament too*

A haircut after 5 months.


C2AGE ^^

Pa-no... wonder where is she now... haiz


It was Josh's Idea

It seems that I'm always wearing that shirt

Who says I camwhore alone =.=


Recent shots:

Photo booth camwhore

Imitating Ruronin Kenshin


The style of camwhoring changed over the years


Bunch of Camwhores

See... camwhoring is not just a come and go... it's a lifestyle. Dig deep to find the camera loving person in you. You know you want to take a shot (or more).



PS: Happy Deepavali =P

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